Project Espionage

Preparations have been underway for the Longest trip I've ever been on.

Here is the low-down on what we have already done, what we want to achieve and anything else I can think of.

The Idea:

One Car, 5 Paddlers, 5 lots of kit, 10 paddling days in Val Sesia, Italy after the end of our Exams. For some  grade 4/5 creeking on the melt water that the Piemonte Valley has to offer.

Now the scary bit putting that plan into action

Seeing as we set a date from the 2nd-13th June for our adventure to take place, and then some of us were planning on returning to the French Alps for another paddling holiday a week after we were due to return. The suggestion was made by myself that it would make more sense to stay out there. It took very little convincing to realise that a whole months paddling > two seperate trips! 

Our group was finalised and money was taken, and many discussions were had in Scotland at Easter (A little inebriated) about how we should plan this. 

Paddlers are:
Liam Chambers (Myself)
Stuart Earnshaw
Greg Mcdiamond
Chris Kayley
Dan Greenwood (from some Scottish uni, none of the latest gear, probably the most ideas)

We needed are car so we searched the internet and papers until we found something suitable, cause we were going for 4 weeks we needed a big estate. That would not only carry our stuff but also get us there and back reasonably cheaply. After all we are all tight students living on bread and pasta!

This is the Vehicle we found:
We promptly named her Jessica since its a good name since she will be having 5 guys in here for a month!

We each own a 5th of the car, and the insurance is split between us. The car was quite cheap, well looked after and only requiring a new exhaust. Walnut on the dash, electrics all round and a 2.0 HDI Engine means that its cheap to run. 
 At least we won't get caught speeding as a test drive soon pointed out that some of the original 90 horses have clearly bolted and left the field or worse are sat there lame and unwanted. 
Adding our extra wide roof bars that were acquired from a skip. We went for a few test outings.

Having booked the ferry, added roof bars and a few frustrated hours spent sewing a hammock its finally happening.
  Apart from one last exam to do, oh and packing, and my elder sister to have her baby I am pretty sure that I'm all set to go. Got my SLR and my GoPro ready for catching all the action. What could possibly go wrong? 

*Touches Jessica's Walnut trim*

The Trip

  Leaving on the 2nd June and returning on the 29th.

Full European breakdown cover will be bought, after all 3000 miles is a long way.

Camping will be as and when we find a suitable car park near a river get on. 
No doubt the Doggers Guide to Europe will come in handy!

We plan on paddling some of the Grade 4/5 Classic slides and drops out there until Chris is leaving us for some boozy trip to Prague. (Where apparently they don't use Euro's as I thought)

We will then head down to France where we will paddle more hard stuff along with some leading for the Uni Trip as well as competing in the Student Boater X

I am pretty sure that by then we will be grateful of a proper campsite and tents to sleep in. 

 Hopefully I shall try to update this blog every few days whilst we are out there, but we will have to see what happens. 

See you out there!

Cheers Liam 

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